Some Interesting Facts That You Have To Know About Gemstones

By | May 4, 2019
Some Interesting Facts That You Have To Know About Gemstones

Some Interesting Facts That You Have To Know About Gemstones

Gemstones are used extensively to create jewelry, and they are also worn for the good fortunes that they can bestow on us. We all need some luck when we want to succeed in our careers, marriages, and personal lives and for this reason, we depend on the positive vibrations of the stars and planets.

By wearing the right kind of gemstones as recommended by astrologers, we can have things working for us perfectly and attain the happiness and success that we have always wanted.

Precious stones like diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies are also indicates royalty. Over the years, many important gemstones have had an intimate connection with the rise and fall of dynasties and their prosperity.

A lot of the precious gemstones that were once under the private ownership of kings and queens are now in the collection of people who have a thing for such stones. Many of these stones are also highly expensive due to their beauty, their association with noble families as well as the good fortunes that they can bring.

Gemstones are quite interesting on their own, and they have developed their unique stories over thousands of years of association with humans.

Let’s have a look at some interesting facts about these gemstones:

  • The name for every specific gemstone comes from its monetary value, celestial or spiritual properties and socio, cultural importance in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
  • In ancient India, the gemstones were classified into two separate categories, namely the major and minor gems. This led to the creation of divine gems.
  • Classically the divine gems are relates with various astrological signs like blue sapphire gemstone for Saturn, diamond for Venus, pearl for Moon and red coral for Mars.
  • Emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, and rubies are some of the well-known types of precious gemstones.
  • True gem quality is rare to find; fewer than 20% of all gems in the world belong to this category.
  • Emerald gemstone has got many inclusions and rough crystals which make it rather difficult to cut them.
  • Greeks and Romans believes during the ancient times that the diamonds were actually tears of the Gods and created from the splinters of the twinkling stars.
  • Turquoise is a type of semi-precious gemstone. The name of the Turquoise gemstone came from “Turkois”, a Greek word that means “Turkish”. This is because the first turquoise gemstones brings from Turkey. Turquoise has been classically observe as a wedding anniversary gemstone which is traditionally offer as gift on 5th and 11th anniversaries of marriage.
  • Once considered to be a precious gem, the value of Amethyst eventually got reduced when the scientists discovered large quantities of these stones in Brazil. Nowadays Amethyst is considered to be a notable semi-precious gem.
  • Amethyst stones are usually heat-treated for enhancing their color and increasing their overall quality. The Paragon Diamond approximately weighs around 137.82 carats. It is the largest piece of loose diamond in this world.
  • Conch pearls, natural pearls, and cultured pearls are the most notable forms of organic gems.

Some Other Facts

  • Pearl farms in the United States can set up in Tennessee and Hawaii.
  • Moonstone is a type of semiprecious gemstone. It brings great success and fortune.
  • An alternative form of healing method called crystal healing can prove to be useful for healing certain ailments. It is carries out through the powers of gemstones.
  • Aquamarine stones can help in reducing toothaches . Rose Quartz uses for weight loss, protecting against skin wrinkles and clearing of acne.
  • Lapis Lazuli was also used by Leonardo DA Vinci for creating many of his paintings. It was also cast-off in the various Sistine Chapel paintings. The Lapis Lazuli stones were combine with oils during the 14th century to make paints. At one point in time, Lapis Lazuli indicates the royalty and most royal families had them in their possession.
  • Organic gems are basically gemstones that were created when body parts of living organisms were crystallized and mineralized.
  • Currently, three distinct categories of gemstones are acknowledge, namely, Precious Gemstones, Organic Gemstones, and Semi-precious Gemstones.
  • The Amazonite is a microcline that is famous as the “Prosperity Stone”. It can ensure great financial prosperity by bringing new business. The stone can wear close to the skin or hung on the doorway to attract the inflow of money.
  • The reputable Pink Star Diamond price is $83 million. It is one of the most expensive stone of all time.
  • The vibrant red shade of the rubies results from the presence of chromium. Rubies have always with life and love.

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